An invitation for Participation
A critical healthcare system in a developing and occupied country like Palestine faces unbelievable obstacles and difficulties. Dedicated to improve the quality of care in critical care services, a group of nurses and doctors decided to form a body where they can share their ideas, and formulate plans to improve the level of care provided to one of the most burdened healthcare systems in the world. They decided to establish this team work, the PALACCS, to serve as the body under which all activities are united .
The PALACCS emerges from difficulties, demands and hopes. This humble step will not proceed if we do not receive the support from the national and international bodies.
We invite our Palestinian fellow nurses and doctors to join us in this work. Your voice may be all what we need to proceed.
Idrees Owaidat,BSN, ENP. Al-Ahli Hospital. PALACCS Chairmain.
Osaid Rasheed, BSN, CNS. Al-Ahli Hospital. PALACCS activities coordinator.
A. Kareem Dana, BSN. Al-AHli Hospital. PALACCS Secretary.
Hi everyone,
With all apprciation we are ready for any help .
Nursing college/Hebron university,
yousif jaradat-tel 2220995
fax 2229303
Hello all...
The email of the Palestinian Association of Critical Care Services is :
We are currently under developing and establishing the Association. We will tell you more once we proceed
Osaid rasheed, PALACCS Activities Coordinator
السلام عليكم
الله يعطيكم العافية ايها الاخوة وجزاكم الله خيرا على حرصكم على مهنكم الانسانية ...و بارك الله فيك يا أخ أسيد يا ابو الافكار العظيمة...أنا رهن الاشارة..و في خدمتكم..أنتم تفصّلون و نحن نلبس ، واذا بدكم نُفصّل مع بعض.
أخوكم عادل عمرو
hi there
we would like to make contact with your organisation with the possibility of supporting your aims.
Could you please send us more information on your group and how you could possibly support you,
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